Eastern New York

Dressage & Combined Training


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Print Ads

This policy pertains to all members and non-members, without discrimination. 

All ads are subject to, at a minimum, editor review, and approval or board review and approval if questionable in nature, prior to acceptance and publication. ENYDCTA reserves the right to refuse any ad for any reason, regardless of membership status. An ad that is refused will have payment refunded or returned (provided payment has been made prior to the refusal).

  • Payment MUST be made prior to publication or it will not be published
  • Print deadline for ANY material is the 10th of the month. Material received AFTER the 10th of the month will appear in the next issue
  • Time-sensitive advertisements (ie – clinic or show announcements) placed less than 45 days before the event date are purchased with the following understanding that every effort is made to ensure the Flyer is printed and mailed in a timely fashion
  • Electronic submissions are required. Formats include: PDF, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, AI or EPS
  • Generally the Flyer is printed black/white but may be printed full color. It is recommended that ads be submitted full color to meet either scenario
Ads may be created by Piaffe Flyer Editor. Please inquire for pricing. Please keep in mind the editor is not a professional marketing firm, but a volunteer who is providing their skills at no cost to the club.  If requesting an ad;
  • Creation, details and images must be submitted by the 1st of the month to allow time for creation and review
  • Editor will send the ad for review prior printing
  • Only minor edits/corrections will be allowed; any new material submitted for an already-created ad will be considered a new creation and an additional 20% fee will apply to the original ad cost

Web Ads

  • Web ads will be uploaded within 5 business days of payment and will appear on ENYDCTA’s official website for the year
  • Ads must be submitted electronically and must be site-ready
  • Files should be no larger than 72 dpi
  • JPEG file format preferred; GIF, TIFF or PDF are workable
  • Web ads will not be printed in the newsletter

Ads may be created by Piaffe Flyer editor. Please inquire for pricing. Please keep in mind the editor is not a professional marketing firm, but a volunteer who is providing their skills at no cost to the club.  If requesting an ad;

  • Please allow 10 business days for the creation of any ads (ad run-time will be considered from the moment of upload, not from time of creation)
  • Editor will send the ad for review prior uploading
  • Only minor edits/corrections will be allowed; any new material submitted for an already-created ad will be considered a new creation

Instructions for Submission

  • We will provide you a submission form via email
  • You may pay by credit card or check (please make checks payable to: ENYDCTA, Ltd.)
  • Please contact the Piaffe Flyer Editor at flyer@enydcta.com for more information or questions

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