Eastern New York

Dressage & Combined Training


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ENYDCTA's Brainstorming Session - We need your brain!

  • January 12, 2025
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • zoom


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We need some brain power for our

Brain Storming Session

January 12th, 4 pm via Zoom


To come up with some innovative ways for a club to organize events where it is not just a few "doing it all".   How do we modernize running events that spreads the load to eliminate the burden on a few.   I think we can do this; we just need to brainstorm and come up with some creative ideas. 

Currently we have plenty of "tell me what to do & I will do it" but few leader types willing to take on an event.  How can we as a community pull together individuals or barn communities on a leadership level to keep ENYDCTA moving forward. 

As president my term ends 11/2025 after 4 years.   I am happy to continue as president but I need help to organize our events. 

My "to do list" at home is now a book. 

Would love to hear from barn owners, professionals, & members.  Our ideas could pave the way for other clubs and how they do things.   Let us put our creative minds to work! 

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID:  885 1194 2498

Passcode:  414062

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